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Food Additives食品添加剂第二版 Contents目录 Food Additive Intake Assessment, S. Salminen and R. Tahvonen Risks and Benefits of Food Additives, S.S. Sumner and J.D. Eifert Food Additives and Hypersensitivity, M. Hannuksela and T. Haahtela The Role of Food Additives and Chemicals in Behavioral, Learning, Activity, and Sleep Problems in Children, J. Breakey, C. Reilly, and H. Connell Consumer Attitudes Toward Food Additives, C.M. Bruhn Food Additives in the European Union, R. Verbruggen ppRegulation of Food Additives in the United States, P. Barton Hutt Nutritional Additives, M.A. Swanson and P. Evenson